Pretty image of dot collage, 2 square greetings cards, wood handled scissors, handheld dot cutter, brass paperclip and dark blue cutting board underneath.

Dots! Dots! Dots!
Creative Collage Experience

3 hours of total creative fun making a variety of unique dot collage gifts. And maybe a little something for you too!

£38 per place
(+£10 for extra special
VIP Party Pass)

This creative collage experience focuses on dots as a central theme. With the dot shape, everything we make looks cohesive and collaging is an easy, fun and relaxing experience.

It’s a colour blast to lift the week up, and then afterwards, you can enjoy giving out lovely gifts to loved ones.

Amazing papers into

Image of previous dot collage workshop at Leeds Central Library September 2023 taken of participants selecting coloured paper from round table.

Part of the creative collage experience is everyone gets to chose what they make on the day:

  • Dot Bookmarks (with beautiful coloured tassels)

  • Dot Square Cards (6 inch large thick cards with matching coloured envelopes)

  • Dot Earrings (with sterling silver clasps then set into lovely presenter boards to be perfect to give as gifts)

  • Dot Wall Art (quality sheets of textured paper to use as a cool wall backdrop or use in a frame)

Reflections from previous collagers

“Looking at the colours and layering the dots was so relaxing.”

— Gemma

“3 hours that I didn't think of anything other than colour, sticking and fun.”

— Lyndsay

“It was just perfect. So fun and exciting.”

— Meena

£38 per place

Includes Raspberry Mocktail on arrival, all the craft materials required to make your great gifts and a dots bag to take them all home ready to give out in coming months!

+£10 extra special
VIP Party Pass

Includes mid-air confetti photoshoot of you/ or the art collection you’ve made.

Plus a extra special, dinky memo pad set, personalised with dots and your name in 1970s lettering from a cool, original tape machine.

A nice little extra to pop with the rest of your goodies and enjoy in the weeks of post dots making bliss!

Upcoming dates…

Dots! Dots! Dots!
Creative Collage Experience

The Mill Gallery, Leeds
Saturday 5th April 2025